
ScoutsOn Watch - Wear your heart on your wrist.

Wesley M. Williams, The Founder

Wes is a lifelong Army Brat and the Founder of The ScoutsOn Watch Company. He was born at the Fort Bragg Army base in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Wes realized that his love for watches  began as a little boy when his Dad (an army veteran who later earned two bronze stars for heroism) gave him his watch to 'hold onto until he came back' from a deployment. Read the story here.

Wes enjoys following his dreams, listening to music through really acoustically accurate headphones, and of course, supporting veterans causes, and sending as many care packages to them as he can. Wes is a self-identified dork who currently lives and works in Pittsburgh, Pa.

Me and Dad - Then

Me and Dad around the time that he went on deployment and gave me his watch. (He's actually wearing the watch in this picture). 

Me and Dad - Now

I'm a little too big to fit in Dad's lap, but we're still smiling.