2017 Pittsburgh Mutt Strutt - Veterans + Service Dogs = A Great Cause

As you may know, ScoutsOn Watch is based out of Pittsburgh, PA, and we're passionate about all things veterans. We also have a soft spot for dogs and puppies. When we caught wind of an event going on in our own back yard that combined veterans and dogs, we knew that we needed to share it with our supporters.  

ScoutsOn Watch is proud to be supporting the 2017 Mutt Strutt by providing The Veteran ScoutsOn Watch for the silent auction!   If you're in Pittsburgh, please come and support this great cause with us!

Image by Mutt Strutt via http://www.medicalservicedogs.org/mutt-strut/. All Rights Reserved.

The event is called Mutt Strutt, and it's happening Saturday September 16th at Frick Park from 10:00 A.M until 1:00 P.M. Frick Park is located in the Squirrel Hill neighborhood of Pittsburgh at the entrance at the corner of Reynolds St. and Homewood, Ave. The lineup of festivities include a dog parade with categories and prizes, live music, pet and veteran vendors, and great food.

We're going to enjoy the festivities as well! It's going to be great!

Image by Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs. All Rights Reserved.

For some background, Mutt Strutt helps our local military Veterans! 100% of all proceeds are contributed to Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs, to assist them pair a deserving Veteran with a life-changing Medical Service Dog. Last year the community came out and was able to assist nine (9) Pittsburgh area veterans. With the nickname “City of Champions” we encourage everybody to attend this awesome event and lets help even more veterans this year. 

Full details can be found at this link: http://www.medicalservicedogs.org/event/mutt-strut-pittsburgh/.  Please support this great cause!

To understand the impact of this program, follow this link to read the story of Army Capt. John Kelly and his dog Ranger. You will understand the importance and long lasting positive effects Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs provides. 

If you're in Pittsburgh, definitely check it out. It's going to be an amazing time! We'll be there, and we're going to be giving away a free ScoutsOn Watch to a luck veteran (and his/her furry friend).

If you have any interesting stories about how a service animal has helped you or a loved one, please respond in the comments below.


The ScoutsOn Watch Team
